

a new year full of things that have never been

Now let us welcome the New Year, full of things that have never been.

-Rainer Maria Rilke

2010 was full of surprises, both delightful and difficult, that I could have never anticipated. Last New Year's Day, as I sat with my journal and planner, thoughtfully mapping out the things I wanted to do and achieve for the year, it wasn't even on my radar that I'd...

  • sustain a self-inflicted major injury that would require me to face down my fear of surgery
  • have to learn to be still and allow healing to occur
  • find out the hard way what harsh self-criticism can do to a still-healing body
  • accept levels of support from friends and my husband that I'd previously been unable to ask for
  • become a juried artist at the Torpedo Factory and be asked to join one of the most desirable studios there
  • find out what it really means to be married, finally
  • be reunited with my beloved French host family after a 5-year separation
  • forgive myself and significant others, allowing compassion to enter my heart
  • learn how to choose love and joy over fear, every time
  • have the opportunity to say yes to a long time dream: living abroad again (yes, we're moving to Germany! More on that in a later post)
  • say no to the home addition of our dreams in exchange for the financial flexibility to pursue my art

So on this first day of 2011, I'm not even going to waste my time plugging a bunch of must-do's and tasks into my calendar. Sure, there's stuff I've got to and want to do. But why spoil the surprises in store by cluttering up my life with a bunch of "shoulds?"

As my wise yogi friend Jen said in her Facebook post this morning: 2011, bring it on!