
Build Your Own Precarious Sculpture Workshop

Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to lead a student workshop for incoming BathSpa BFA freshman. They worked together to build their very own precarious sculptures.

Build Your Own Precarious Sculpture workshop

Build Your Own Precarious Sculpture workshop

I gave them a table overflowing with recycled materials such as dowel rods, chenille stems, plastic wrap, paper, thin wood, and more. The First Years had lots of ideas.

BathSpa First Years working on their precarious sculpture

BathSpa First Years working on their precarious sculpture

Loving the casters on this sculpture!

Loving the casters on this sculpture!

This student sculpture looks so precarious that single breath could knock it over.

This student sculpture looks so precarious that single breath could knock it over.

Supply table looks like a tornado hit it.

Supply table looks like a tornado hit it.

Great job First Years! (Note to self: next time, don’t let anybody leave until after we’ve cleaned up!).