
Instructions for Healing

Kelly M O'Brien, Instructions for Healing, A3 artist book page ©2021

Kelly M O'Brien, Instructions for Healing, A3 artist book page ©2021

As part of Somerset Reacquainted, I was invited to contribute a page-spread for a collaborative artist book reflecting the project. Nina Grown Lewis is a Somerset-based artist and curator who was also part of Somerset Reacquainted and is making/editing the artist book.

Kelly M O'Brien, Instructions for Healing, A3 artist book page ©2021

Kelly M O'Brien, Instructions for Healing, A3 artist book page ©2021

I've been thinking a lot about themes of resilience, care and repair as we emerge from C19 lockdown. Instructions for Healing is part self-talk, part-wishes-for-the-world, and materials (wildflower seeds) to foster growth.

Kelly M O'Brien, Instructions for Healing, A3 artist book page ©2021

Kelly M O'Brien, Instructions for Healing, A3 artist book page ©2021

The artist book will be published later this summer.